NAMM TEC Awards Voting Begins
As announced in a press release earlier this year, Kazrog's True Iron plugin is a nominee in the 2020 NAMM TEC Awards in the category of Outstanding Technical Achievement.
While voting is not open to the general public, we are humbly asking registered voters to consider voting for True Iron in its subcategory - SIGNAL PROCESSING SOFTWARE (DYNAMICS/EQ/UTILITIES). This is the first time a Kazrog product has ever been nominated for the NAMM TEC Awards, and it is a huge honor for a version 1.x plugin to be nominated alongside established, mature industry standard tools in this category (as an aside, a typo on the NAMM TEC Awards site lists True Iron as being at version 7 - no we're not quite there yet, but we appreciate the enthusiasm!)
At this link, you can log in to vote - or, if you are not registered, but make your primary living in the music, sound and entertainment technology industries, you may fill out the form to request to vote.
Thank you for your time and consideration! We look forward to meeting some of you at the NAMM TEC Awards in January 2020.
-Shane McFee and Devin Powers